Senior Year

In my senior year, I took a few art classes. There was Ceramics, Digital Communications, and Game Design. Ceramics will be the furthest down since it has its own page. Digital communications…

In Game Design, I have been working with four other people to make a game. The game is called Garden Masters and I am the 3D modeler and animator. I have received help when it comes to the 3D modeling, but the animating is all my work.

For Ceramics, we made a specific website to display our ceramic pieces so you can check out other pieces below through the link.

Summer before 12th

I did an internship before I went into my senior year for animation.  I  learned how to animate in a different way, and use various software’s. I drew a bit traditionally and my art has defiantly improved over the years and I’ve found ways to draw almost everything but a nose, but I plan to finally figure that out in my final year of school. 

Check out the full break down of the project below, here


So on the right is my most recent hand drawn animation before my internship. On the left in the first animation I made during my internship. My frame by frame drawing was never completed but I made it during 11th grade. 

Digital art 9th &11th

One character I drew digitally, and only digitally was Akihara/Akira. I made his first design in around July of 2022, and the second design in September 2023. I followed MHA/’s style for the original drawing but I didn’t follow demon slayer’s for the second. But you can see the difference in the style of art, even though they are supposed to math the anime styles. You can also notice I give him more detail in his hair and face.

Demon Slayer Akihara

Digital art, trial and error

So aside from redrawing my first digital piece, I went on to explore using pose refences/templates to draw more characters I had made.  I drew 3 different character. 2 in 2022, Michi and Sakatoru, and 1 in 2023, Yagasuta. Michi and Sakatoru were more the start of how to get more detailed with clothes and the drawing in general. But Yagasuta was when I started to experement with different styles, specifically hair. I didn’t want to keep outlining strokes of hair, because it felt odd, and with his blonde hair I explored different brushes for a different texture to the hair and trying to make it closer to life like.

2022 art
2022 art again
2023 art

Digital Art start

So in 2021 I decided to make my first official piece of digital art. I did an art challenge giving me the colors for the character. About 2 years later in 2023, I decided to redraw my first piece of digital art, I used a template for the pose, but the details of the eyes, hair, and everything else were my doing. You can see the improvement of shading, coloring, and style between the 2 pieces.

Redraw 2023

11th grade

I went more back to tradition art this year, a started to draw my characters traditionally rather than digitally. The first and the last picture are drawings of my character Seven/Seb, but the second one is Inesim. I drew more of my character this year, but none of them are pictured, since I drew several of my characters. But i found a style I mostly like, and that I still use since this is still recent. But with the last two pieces I went on to explore different head angles, and found what way of drawing what angle works best for me. I might go back to my 10th grade way of drawing 3/4, but I also explored ore hand drawn poses without using templates and only references.

Seven Drawing
Inesim drawing
3/4 fail

10th grade

10th grade was mostly focused on digital art and exploring how to draw digitally since it was growing in popularity, but I still practiced traditional art. I found a style to try and I managed to learn how to draw smaller, but still detailed. I found a way to quickly draw a 3/4 head show that worked well for me. I practiced with drawing myself a bit with this style.

10th grade

9th grade

While i did start my digital art journey, I continued to improve my traditional art. This was my phase where I basically drew eyes a lot. I still kept that anime like style but I improved upon it adding a slight sense of another art style. This was the year that I started to explore how to draw the face’s details, rather than have strange eyes.

8th grade

Near the end of the year of 8th grade I decided to redraw my last piece, on a smaller paper. It didn’t turn out so well when I was more used to drawing bigger at this point and didn’t understand how to make small details. But I started to explore different techniques of art and moving on from larger pieces of paper.

8th grade end year

7th/8th grade

This was drawn some point during covid. I used an anime tip drawing book to help find ways to actually improve upon my art but I had yet to grow any real idea of how to draw hands or any parts of the face, this is just when I got a batter idea on how to draw bodies.

7th/8th grade

7th grade

I drew this earlier in 7th grade, so I had yet to evolve my drawing skills yet. But this is another character I made, and her name is Rachel.

6th grade start

This is a drawing I made in 6th grade. It was a character that I made when I was really young and I named them Silver. I think this took me a lot longer than it would take me now to draw them. Their character has evolved, but I haven’t redrawn the in a while. But ths is where I started to draw characters I made.